Community Health

Primary health care are the services people use when they have a health problem or issue that is not an emergency.

Primary health includes:

The primary care services we offer include community nursing, diabetes education, dietetics, health promotion, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, speech pathology for young children, social work, ultrasound and X-ray. You can read more below about each of these services.

We are also fortunate to have a range of visiting primary health services including community mental health, drug and alcohol, Alzheimer’s Victoria and podiatry for Home and Community Care (HACC) clients.


You can book an appointment directly for most of our primary care services. You don’t need a referral from your GP or other health professional. However, for x-ray and ultrasound appointments you will need a referral.

Some services have eligibility requirements such as being a pension or healthcare card holder. Please read the service information below or call and talk to our reception team.

Appointments for these services are coordinated and booked by our hospital intake staff. Appointments can be made from 8.30am- 5.00pm Monday to Friday in person or by phone on 03 5775 8800.

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Health Services

  • Community Nursing

    Community nursing provides nursing services outside of the hospital, in homes, and community settings. Our community health nurses provide care to the Mansfield, Jamieson, and Woods Point communities.

    Our community nursing team are in:

    • Woods Point (Wednesday)
    • Jamieson (Thursday)

    You don’t need a referral to see a community health nurse and there are no eligibility requirements.

  • Diabetes Education

    Our diabetes educators work with people living with diabetes and their carers to manage their diabetes. Our educators will work with you to assess your needs, understand what matters most to you, and create a personalised diabetes management plan. This plan will help you manage your diabetes day-to-day, prevent complications and manage complications if they happen.

    Our diabetes educators also offer education for the general community to increase awareness of diabetes.

    You don’t need a referral to see a diabetes educator and there are no eligibility requirements.

  • Dietetics

    Dietetic services provide information and advice about food and nutrition. Our dietitians work with you to understand your food-related needs, plan nutritional diets and menus and maintain a healthy weight.

    They can also help you understand and manage special dietary for conditions such as diabetes, cancer or food allergies. Our dieticians work alongside our diabetes educators when supporting people living with diabetes.

    You don’t need a referral to see a dietitian and there are no eligibility requirements.

  • Health Promotion

    Health promotion focuses on preventing the root causes of health problems, rather than on treatments. Our health promotion team work alongside people and communities to prevent disease and reduce ill health so that people remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

    The team’s focus is facilitating the Mansfield Respond Project, a community-led, place-based approach to supporting the health of local children and the wider community. Mansfield Respond Project involves community members working together to brainstorm, plan and deliver health promotion initiatives that meet Mansfield’s specific needs. Current initiatives include the Mansfield Fresh Food Drive, Soup for Schools, Chop and Chat and Mansfield Crawl and Play.

    You can follow our work on Facebook, and our website

    You don’t need a referral to see the health promotion team and there are no eligibility requirements.

  • Occupational Therapy

    Occupational therapists (known as OTs) help people who are having difficulty with everyday tasks and activities.

    After an injury, illness, or a new diagnosis, you may find everyday tasks and the activities you enjoy being a bit more difficult. Our OTs work with you to assess your needs, understand your goals and introduce new approaches to maximise your independence. Approaches may include new equipment, making changes to your environment, or changing how you do your tasks.

    Our team also offer hand therapy including splinting and rehabilitation, scooter assessments and lymphoedema management.

    We can see you at the hospital, at home or in the community.

    Your GP or other health services can refer you to our services, and you can also contact us directly. Fees are dependent on your income (means tested) and, if applicable, your aged care support package.

    At this stage we are only funded to see children for hand therapy, not for other occupational therapy services.

  • Physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy services assess, diagnose, treat and work to prevent disease and disability through movement and exercise. Our physiotherapists work with people who are affected by ageing, injury, illness and/or disability to improve their movement, mobility and quality of life. They also assist people to use aids and appliances to help with their mobility, rehabilitation and independence

    For Patients & Residents

    We offer the following physiotherapy services for our patients and residents, Monday to Friday, across our hospital and aged care services:

    • Hospital Ward focussing on muscoskeletal care, pain management, strength and balance.
    • Midwifery Ward focussing on women’s health and six-week post-natal check-ups.
    • Buckland House and Bindaree Aged Care focussing on pain management, strength and balance.
    For Outpatients

    Our individual outpatient physiotherapy services provide goal-directed physiotherapy sessions for rehabilitation or chronic disease management.

    Our outpatient group therapy programs include:

    • Falls and Balance Group. Balance and falls prevention for people with history of falls, falls risk or fear of falling that is limiting their participation in daily activities.
    • Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, incorporating the Good Life with Arthritis (GLAD) program.
    • Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
    • Heart Failure
    • Active for life

    You don’t need a referral to see a physiotherapist. You do need to be a pension or healthcare card holder for individual physiotherapy appointments.

  • Podiatry

    Podiatrists assess, diagnose, treat and manage conditions of the feet and legs.

    Our podiatrist works with you to understand your feet and leg issues, and tailor a treatment plan. This may include wound care, walking assessments, orthotics and advice on appropriate footwear.

    You don’t need a referral to see a podiatrist and there are no eligibility requirements.

  • Speech Pathology

    Speech pathologists work with people who have communication or swallowing difficulties.

    Our speech pathologists specialise in assessing and treating children under school age with communication difficulties. Our team works with children and their families who are having difficulty understanding instructions, using words and sentences, or with unclear speech such as stuttering.

    The service is also integrated into some local schools.

    You don’t need a referral to see a pathologist. Children must be under school age to use this service.

  • Social Work

    Social workers support people to overcoming personal difficulties and structural barriers to be included in society and to realise their strengths and potential.

    Our social workers work with you to understand your needs, what matters most to you, support you to realise your strengths and overcome issues. We offer support with housing and homelessness, finances, adjustment, loss and grief, relationships, domestic and family violence and alcohol and drug use, amongst other things. Support can be short term or ongoing depending on your needs and choices. We also suggest other services that may be of help to you and organise referrals if needed.

    We are available Wednesdays and Fridays for face to face and phone appointments.

    You don’t need a referral to see a social worker, and our services are free. You do need to live in Mansfield or surrounding communities.

  • Ultrasound

    An ultrasound scan is used to examine internal body structures. It’s commonly used to examine a person’s abdominal and pelvic organs, musculoskeletal and vascular systems, and to check foetal development during pregnancy.

    Our ultrasound appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    We provide a digital ultrasound service. If you require a hard copy, please ask the radiographer to print a copy at the time of your appointment.

    You will need a GP or specialist referral and please bring your Medicare card to your appointment. All appointments are bulk billed on the day of your appointment.

  • X-Ray

    X-ray examinations create two-dimensional pictures of internal body structures. They are particularly useful in diagnosing conditions that affect the bones and chest.

    Our x-ray appointments are available in the afternoons of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

    We provide a digital x-ray service. If you require a hard copy, please ask the radiographer to print a copy at the time of your appointment.

    You will need a GP or specialist referral and please bring your Medicare card to your appointment. All appointments are bulk billed on the day of your appointment.

Exercise Programs

Our physiotherapists work closely with our exercise coordinator to offer a range of exercise programs.

  • Mobility Movers

    Mobility Movers is a gentle exercise program that helps maintain and build your strength, balance and mobility. Classes can be done standing or seated; it's entirely up to you. Before joining, you need to have a free assessment with one of our physiotherapists (or have been referred from their private physiotherapy practice where they have done the assessment with you). The exercise session is conducted by a MDH qualified fitness trainer.

  • Pole Walking

    Walking with specially designed ‘Activator’ Poles uses the muscles in your legs and whole upper body, improving your strength, mobility, cardio fitness and your confidence.

    Walking with poles eases pressure on your joints, especially your knees which can reduce pain and slow down the progression of degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. With plenty of seated rest breaks throughout the class, pole walking is tailored to suit many fitness levels and abilities. Before joining, you need to have a free assessment with one of our physiotherapists (or have been referred from their private physiotherapy practice where they have done the assessment with you).

  • Open Gym & Men's Circuit Classes

    Both these classes involve a series of exercises to improve your strength, balance, mobility, cardio fitness, mood and confidence. While both groups are run in a circuit style, exercises can be tailored to suit your unique needs.

    Before joining, you need to have a free assessment with one of our physiotherapists (or have been referred from their private physiotherapy practice where they have done the assessment with you).

    Both classes run for approximately 60mins.


The Mansfield Restart team support people who are affected by addiction to take charge of their lives.

  • How to know when substance use is a problem?

    How do I know my own substance use, or that of someone I care about who’s substance use has become a problem?

    Addiction is complex, and often needs a bit of time to fully understand. It looks different for everyone. You may notice your health worsen, your relationships become strained, legal problems start, emotional struggles like feeling isolated and lonely. Losing control over your substance use, neglecting your responsibilities like school, work and family, unsuccessful attempts to quit, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms are also common for many people. That’s why it can be helpful to talk with someone who understands addiction.

  • What support can the Restart Team offer?

    We are here to help you set your goals and make the changes you want to make at the pace that works for you.

    Sometimes it’s just a chat to help you understand your unique situation. Perhaps you’d like support to plan your path to positive changes and take the first steps. You might want to learn some new tools and tricks (we call these ‘strategies’), to explore withdrawal at home or in hospital. We can work alongside you and your partner, friends and your family- the people you feel will help you through your recovery.

    Once you have a recovery plan we can bring together a team to support you including nursing, doctors, psychologists and social support services.

  • Support from community members

    Our counsellors are not the only ones offering you support. We are lucky to have amazing community members offering you practical help to get your sense of purpose back on track, and re-engage in the community.

    Do you want help applying for that job? Time to refresh your CV? Time to sort out your household budget? Would you like to start socialising again? Can you see yourself studying? These community members understand that it can be daunting to make changes, and that it’s not just about the substance, it’s about the whole you.

  • Am I eligible to participate in Restart?

    If you have a concern about your, or someone you care abouts substance use, and you live in the Mansfield postcode (3722), then you are eligible to participate in Restart. We have no other criteria.

    You do not need a referral from anyone to participate in Restart. You can call us directly. All our services are free.

  • Are you concerned about substance use in your community?

    Our Restart team run sessions in communities to discuss the harms associated with substance use, local strategies to manage concerns, and ways to support people in the community who are living with addiction.

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Do you have questions or would you like to know more? Call our reception team on 03 5775 8800.

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