Patients & Visitors

Visiting Us

Hospital Visiting Hours

Visitor hours are from 10.00am – 8.00pm daily. Visitor hours for maternity patients are 10.00am to 12.00pm and then 3.00pm to 8.00pm. Partners of maternity patients are welcome outside of these hours.

Every patient is different, and we adjust visiting times and the number of visitors to meet each patient's unique needs. Please check with our nursing team before you visit and feel free to phone ahead.

We ask all visitors, including children to be mindful that patients need rest to recover. Noise and disruptions should be kept to a minimum, and everyone's privacy is to be respected at all times. We reserve the right to ask visitors to leave to ensure the comfort of our patients.

Our Locations

Keeping Us All Safe

We take infection prevention seriously. We have a dedicated Infection Control team who support our staff, volunteers, patients and visitors to understand and abide by our policies and procedures, to ensure we uphold state and national infection control standards.

  • Infection Program

    Our infection safety measures change as situations change. When you arrive at the hospital or aged care service, our reception teams will guide you through hand sanitising and any other infection prevention requirements that are in place.

    Please ensure you always:
    • Practice good cough and sneeze etiquette; use tissues and immediately put them in a bin, cough/sneeze into your elbow if you don't have a tissue, and clean your hands after sneezing, coughing and blowing your nose.
    • Wash or sanitise your hands regularly – there is hand sanitiser and washrooms throughout our buildings.
    • Feel comfortable asking our staff if they have cleaned their hands before providing your care. They will never be offended and will appreciate your awareness of good hygiene.
    • Feel comfortable asking our staff, other patients and visitors to practice cough etiquette and, when masks are required, to wear them correctly.
    • Contact us ahead of an appointment if you’re feeling unwell. We may move your appointment to a different room, change your appointment date or change to a phone or telehealth appointment.

Zero Tolerance for Aggression or Violence

There’s no excuse for violence or aggression against healthcare workers. No matter the situation, it’s never ok.

All Mansfield District Hospital staff and volunteers have the right to a safe workplace free of abusive, aggressive or violent behaviour. We have a zero-tolerance policy on aggression and violence against our people.


Please let us know if you need an interpreter and we will do our best to organise one for you.

We use the Australian Government's Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) which is a free service. It is always best to book an interpreter in advance so if you are coming to a scheduled appointment, please let us know your language needs.

You can also contact the TIS directly on 131 450.

Public Facilities

  • Free Wi-Fi that provides limited internet access (MDH-Guest-Registration and follow the steps to register).
  • Public kitchenettes for chilled water, tea and coffee.
  • A sitting room with a TV.
  • Established gardens with tables and benches.
  • Public toilets and baby change tables.

Please use our hospital map for locations of our public facilities or ask our staff or volunteers for directions.

Hospital Map

Mansfield township

Mansfield District Hospital is close to Mansfield town centre where you will find cafes, pharmacies, gardens, playgrounds, accommodation and a wide variety of shops.

Discover More

Our staff and volunteers are always happy to guide you to local services.



We value your compliments, concerns, suggestions and stories. Let us know how we can improve!

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Do you have questions or would you like to know more?  Call our reception team on 03 5775 8800.

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